12 år gamle Cherry Vanilla er hovedpersonen i "Sarah". Han foretrekker korte lærskjørt og sminke, og har et ønske om å bli den mest berømte trailertispen på det amerikanske kontinentet. Vi blir tatt med inn i en verden der horene kaller seg trailertisper og tilber jackalopen- fabeldyret fra det ville vesten- for å få erotisk kraft. Med moren som ideal, har Cherry Vanilla bestemt seg for å være mer kvinne enn alle andre. Moren Sarah er hans største konkurrent i bransjen, og han tar hennes navn. J.T. Leroy debuterte med delvis selvbiografiske "Sarah" 20 år gammel, og i romanen skildrer han en tapt barndom der overgrep, vold, dop, prostitusjon og religiøs fanatisme er en del av hverdagen.
National Bestseller A reissue of the national bestselling novel by JT LeRoy/Laura Albert—published to coincide with the new Jeff Feuerzeig documentary: Author: The JT LeRoy Story, which will have a theatrical release in July 2016. “A ...
McClanahan is the only real successor we have to Breece D'J Pancake. Old-fashioned storytelling from modern Appalachia.
But Sarah gives up her exalted life to join Abram’s tribe and follow the one true God, an invisible deity who speaks only to Abram. It is then that her journey truly begins.
The Book of Sarah traces her journey from modern Jewish orthodoxy to a feminist Judaism, as she searches between the complex layers of family and family history that she inherited and inhabited.
When Sarah was eleven her parents separated and sent her to live with her Grandmother Mrs.
Ordinarily Sarah, Book II – Relentless has a prophetic word for the dark times our world is experiencing today. At its core, the book describes a real-life battle between good and evil as it presents itself in the life of one family.
A story of one woman's journey through life. A story of love from beginning to end. Her story, her decisions, her consequences. Sarah's Story.
In this book, readers can witness how Sarah recovers from her comatose state, becomes stronger by the traumatic experience, finds a new home, feels warmth of a family, and uncovers Gods plans for her life and submits herself to it to become ...
The elderly Sarah laughs in delight when she overhears three strangers tell her husband Abraham that he will soon become a father, so when a son is born to her a year later, she names him Isaac, which means "laughter." Simultaneous.
This is a story of revolutionary war patriot Patrick Henry’s first wife Sarah Shelton (1738-1775).