... Pablo and Johnson, Niki (2004), Financing the Information Society in the South: A Global Public Goods Perspective, Working Paper, Instituto del Tercer Mundo, Montevideo. http://rights.apc.org/documents/financing.pdf AMARC (2003a), ...
State of Democracy in Mongolia: A Desk Study
But what exactly has gone wrong? The answer, Niall Ferguson argues in The Great Degeneration, is that our institutions--the intricate frameworks within which a society can flourish or fail--are degenerating.
Civility in an English Village
根据蒙 2011 年可中圃互联箭舺箱各信息中心( CNNIC )証周查,大陛释路使用者以 20 - 29 歳估最多敷,估全髅人敷 29.8 % ,其次是 10 - 19 歳估 267 % ,再者是 30 - 39 歳估 257 %。遣也就是諡, 30 歳以下的释路使用者超遇全髅一半絃的估 56 %。
A central underlying theme of the book is the notion of governance as a process of interaction between different societal and political actors and the growing interdependencies between the two as modern societies become ever more complex, ...
Regulation of the Press: Nine Key Questions for Civil Society
Avishai Margalit hingegen argumentiert für das Streben nach einer”anständigen“Gesellschaft, das heißt nach einer Gesellschaft, deren Institutionen die Menschen nicht demütigen.
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