Wonderfully descriptive prose from distinguished regionalist writer includes 10 tales dealing with female friendships, poverty, and compassion: "The Town Poor," "Miss Peck’s Promotion," "The Passing of Sister Barsett," and seven more.
She decides to climb the tallest tree in the forest so that she can see the entire countryside, and she finds the heron, just as she had thought she would. This is the critical passage of the story.
A White Heron and Other Stories (EasyRead Large Bold Edition)
The series offers a vast selection of complete and unabridged titles, each a classic work of fiction, nonfiction, poetry or drama. Edited by Candace Ward Embracing a wide variety of subjects, this choice collection of 13 short stories ...
A White Heron and Other Stories: Easyread Edition
A Study Guide for Sarah Orne Jewett's "White Heron"
For at least two decades Hayden Carruth has been a poet of the first quality... a writer so well endowed with character, courage, stamina, honesty, and independence as to make whatever styles he has adopted or adapted peculiarly his own.
He is a threat to her peaceful existence and influences her future life and behaviour. This essay will show how Sylvia’s attitude towards the hunter changes and how Jewett explores the sexual conflict between the two sexes in this story.
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.
A White Heron and Other Stories: Easyread Comfort Edition