The valley of Studeno Polje is a magical little place, tucked behind the summer shepherd village of Gradina near Umoljani, and there have been several initiatives to start ecotourism in this area – Green Visions (page 89) is a regular ...
“International Authority and State Building: The Case of Bosnia and Herzegovina.” Global Governance: A Review of ... “Anti-Corruption Strategies and Democratization in BosniaHerzegovina. ... Ethnopolitics 5, no. 1 (2006): 85-99.
996 93 The UNHCR is one of the most important UN agencies involved in peace operations since it often takes the lead . ... David Last , Theory , Doctrine and Practice of Conflict De - Escalation in Peacekeeping Operations ( Cornwallis ...
... la Croatie et la Grande- Bretagne ont été largement déterminées par des facteurs géostratégiques , et en particulier par la perception de la Grande ... la guerre en Croatie en 1991 qui a conduit à son indépendance » . Carole Hodge ...
An account of one journalist's experience from 1992-93 of the conflict in Bosnia, this work is an attempt to come to terms with the overwhelming questions that are provoked by witnessing the destruction of a nation.
Quiet Flows the Una is the story a man trying to overcome the personal trauma caused by the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina between 1992 and 1995.