Treatment of Prisoners – International and Polish Perspective

Treatment of Prisoners – International and Polish Perspective
Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika
Bożena Gronowska, Piotr Sadowski


List of Abbreviations / 7 Introduction / 9 Chapter 1. Deprivation of liberty in the context of criminal justice system / 17 1.1. General remarks / 17 1.2. Deprivation of liberty – its nature and aims / 23 1.3. Classification of prisoners – consequences / 26 1.4. Basic penitentiary paradox / 29 1.5. Prison of the 21st century / 31 Chapter 2. Contemporary penitentiary standards and policy – normative aspect / 37 2.1. Treaty standards / 38 2.1.1. General treaties / 38 2.1.2. Special treaty regulations / 43 2.2. Recommended standards / 45 2.2.1. Universal level / 45 2.2.2. Regional level / 49 2.3. Domestic impact of international standards – Polish example / 53 Chapter 3. Prison population – human dimension of personal interrelations / 57 3.1. The prisoners / 57 3.2. The prison staff / 66 3.3. Interpersonal confrontations and their consequences / 71 3.3.1. Horizontal personal interrelations / 72 3.3.2. Vertical personal interrelations / 76 3.4. Examples of extreme personal interrelations (prison scandals in a nutshell) / 78 Chapter 4. Social rehabilitation of prisoners – between idea and reality / 83 4.1. An idea of “normalization”/ 83 4.2. A concept of the “implied limitations”/ 90 4.3. Main instruments of social rehabilitation / 92 4.3.1. Contacts with the outside world – possibilities / 92 4.3.2. Special offers inside the prisons / 95 Work / 95 Education / 98 Spiritual assistance / 99 Leisure time / 101 Treatment programs / 102 4.4. Preparation for release / 104 Chapter 5. Prison life and human dignity – situations of special risk / 107 5.1. Brief introductory remarks / 107 5.2. Problem of discrimination / 108 5.3. Prison order and coercion measures / 110 5.3.1. An authorized coercion actions in prison / 112 5.4. Health care “in” and “out” of prison / 118 5.5. Disciplinary procedure and sanctions / 122 Chapter 6. Control, inspections and basic procedural guaranties for prisoners / 127 6.1. Domestic level / 129 6.2. International level / 132 6.2.1. Complaint/petition procedures / 132 Council of Europe / 132 European Union / 134 United Nations Organization / 135 6.2.2. Additional monitoring procedures / 137 Final remarks / 139 Bibiography (Basic Literature) / 147 Appendices / 155

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