During the final hours aboard the Titanic on her ill-fated voyage in 1912, Gavin and Karolina attempt to help others and by so doing learn something about themselves.
Walter 10 Moloney, Walter E 8 I Manning 71. 72. 73. 75. 82. 89. 90 Manning. Harry 53, 56. 70. 77. 79. 138. 154 Manning. Stephen 48. 76 Marckwald. Dorothy 27. 34. 39. 43. 54. 57. 67. 69 Marie. Jean 115 Marine.
Willmott was “persistently”: Gallagher, Fire at Sea, 14. She andMarjorie: Interview with Doris Manske. On Friday morning: National Archives (Record Group 41, Testimony in the Investigation of the Burning of the Morro Castle, Entry 214).
A pictorial history of the global scene for passenger liners leading up to the onset of the jet age
Celebrating passenger ships in colour, large and small, from the 1940s onwards
The Liners
SS United States: The Story of America's Greatest Ocean Liner
A grand luxury fleet sails again in this impressive volume.
Examines 26 of the world's greatest liners. 162 b&w and 13 color photos.
Fifty Famous Liners
Following the successful formula of their first two popular volumes in this series, the authors present another 50 famous liners, explaining how the vessels are selected and devoting a chapter to each one.