7.5 H-Bridge control of two motors Motor Motor H-Bridge Control circuit independently controls two motors. Robot turns counterclockwise with relays in position shown. Relay Relay A D + – 12V B C Relay Relay Robot moves clockwise with ...
Describes the functional and recreational tasks that can be performed by robots, both at home and in the workplace.
Twelve-year-old Kevin Bowman meets Autobot Gears in the desert and agrees to help locate and secure a secret weapons bunker.
Twelve-year-old Kevin Bowman meets Autobot Gears in the desert and agrees to help locate and secure a secret weapons bunker.
Robots is the title - plain and simple - and robots (or bots as they are called) are the stars - all kinds of weird and wonderful mechanical marvels.
Créer une machine capable de remplir de nombreuses tâches, sans l'aide de l'homme, est un vieux projet qui n'a pas encore vu le jour.
Robot Galaxy: The brotherhood returns. by Rob Kurtz, Kris Oprisko ; artist, Brian Miroglio, Alberto Aprea. #1
V Cincinnati Milacron robots weld car bodies at Ford's Dagenham factory , UK . Each moving joint is controlled by an electric motor , which is put into action by signals from the computer . Electric motors are quiet and efficient and ...
Isaac Asimov's Robots and Aliens: Volume one