In France in 1914, young Indiana Jones and his father's assistant Thornton pursue a rare manuscript that may reveal secrets of history involving a medieval king, mysterious gypsies, and a legendary treasure.
Ministerio de Educación. Sucer Educación Primaria 1er Ciclo de Les Martin * « El joven Indiana Jones Barcelona 91 Ed . Molino la venganza gitana » > ¡ Huy que miedo ! de Ricardo Alcántara . Editorial Edebe Educación Primaria 2o Ciclo ...
Cambiando el conocimiento: universidad, sociedad y feminismo
Host Bibliographic Record for Boundwith Item Barcode 30112044669122 and Others
biografía Pau Gómez. Indiana Jones and the Sky Pirates ( 1993 ) Indiana Jones and the White Witch ( 1994 ) Escritas por ... venganza gitana ) , de Les Martin ( 1991 ) The Ghostly Riders ( Los caballeros fantasmales ) , de Wi- lliam McCay ...
Libros españoles: Catálogo ISBN. I.N.L.E. 1979
Libros españoles en venta
An emissary from the Vatican investigates the foul play surrounding the pending demolition of a crumbling church in the heart of old Seville, in a sophisticated thriller by the author...
A landmark analysis, as well as a scintillating and often wry commentary on a great author's peers and influences, this book is as much a contribution to Latin American literature as it is a chronicle of that literature's greatest ...
Pamela Gillilan was born in London in 1918, married in 1948 and moved to Cornwall in 1951. When she sat down to write her poem Come Away after the death...
As Spain's New World colonies fought for their independence in the early nineteenth century, an anonymous author looked back on the earlier struggle of native Americans against the Spanish conquistadores and penned this novel, Xicoténcatl.