Spain's great 19th-century lyric poet is best known for these two works: Rhymes, a suite of 66 melancholy poems, and the 6 tales of Legends, romantic portrayals of everyday events.
Rhymes and Legends, by the Sevillian poet Gustavo Adolfo Bcquer, represents the best Spanish romanticism.
Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer. BIBLIOGRAFIA BÉCQUER : Obras completas . Afrodisio Aguado , S. A. Madrid . 1. Leyendas completas . 20 leyendas . 2 . Teatro completo . 9 comedias . 3. Cartas literarias . “ Desde mi celda ” . 10 cartas . 4.
This book has been considered by academicians and scholars of great significance and value to literature.
Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer es el poeta más importante del periodo que media entre el Siglo de Oro y el Modernismo.
Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer es el gran renovador de la lírica romántica española, una de las voces más auténticas y humanas de nuestras letras.
Reproduction of the original: Romantic Legends of Spain by Gustavo Adolfo Becquer
THE LITTLE RED HEN: Featuring 32 pages of fresh, captivating illustrations, this 8" x 8" story book tells the tale of the Little Red Hen as she makes delicious bread that her lazy friends can't resist.
The "Rimas" of Gustavo A. Becquer
These poems and tales are essential to the study of Spanish literature and common reading for high-school students in Spanish-speaking countries.