Crónica del rey pasmado
Cronica del rey pasmado: Don Juan
Filomeno, a mi pesar: Crónica del rey pasmado
En torno a El rey pasmado de Gonzalo Torrente Ballester
These filtering or mediating devices in Spanish period cinema of the 1980s and 1990s are considered in the following sections which include discussion of the representational effects of the literary adaptation, the personalisation of ...
Literary Adaptations in Spanish Cinema. London: Támesis ——. 2004b. 'The question of authenticity: Camus's film adaptation of Cela's La colmena'. Studies in Hispanic Cinemas 1/1, pp. 17–25 ——. 2006. A Cinema of Contradiction.
La decadencia de España. Sevilla: Espuela de Plata, 2009. Kamen, Henry: Poder y gloria: los héroes de la España Imperial. Madrid: Espasa, 2010. López Álvarez, Alejandro: Poder, lujo y conflicto en la Corte de los Austrias.
Emilia spices up her dull day-job as a maid and purges her bitter memories of abandonment by a Spanish partner who returns to his wife by posing as a high-class French prostitute and preying on a series of male Spanish tourists.
Las cuatro novias de Augusto Pérez ( José Jarra ) . Based on Niebla by Miguel de Unamuno . 1976 Pantaleón y las visitadoras ( J.M. Gutiérrez ) . Mario Vargas Llosa ( Peruvian ) . Retrato de familia ( Antonio Giménez Rico ) .
Recipient of the 1972 Premio de la Cr tica and Ciudad de Barcelona, La saga/fuga de J. B. is the first volume of the "Fantastic Trilogy.” It tells the story of Castroforte del Baralla, an imaginary city whose inhabitants, confronted ...