La camomila se ha usado a lo largo de la historia como remedio para dormir, pero ahora los modernos métodos de análisis están ... o bien echar una cucharadita (2 o 3 gramos) de raíz seca en agua hirviendo, reposar entre 5 y 10 minutos, ...
Backed by the latest scientific research and packed with personal anecdotes and tips from leaders in the field of sleep research, this book depicts the dangers of insufficient sleep - from weight retention to memory loss to bad sex to ...
The timeless and practical advice in The Magic of Thinking Big clearly demonstrates how you can: Sell more Manage better Lead fearlessly Earn more Enjoy a happier, more fulfilling life With applicable and easy-to-implement insights, ...
He began to see the difference between "GOTcha" (catching people doing things wrong) and "Whale Done!" (catching people doing things right). In Whale Done!
He doesn't get a lot of credit, but you'd never have any dunks, tear drops, or swishes without him. The fifth player in the macronutrient starting lineup is alcohol. Alcohol is like the Dennis Rodman of the team.
An accessible resource to the structure and chemistry of the brain explains how its systems shape our perceptions, feelings, and behaviors, while outlining the author's theory of the dynamic interaction between the four major brain systems.
It is an invitation to be courageous; to show up and let ourselves be seen, even when there are no guarantees. This is vulnerability. This is daring greatly.
"Now a major motion picture! Includes full-color movie photos and exclusive content!"--Dust jacket.
After you have read The Spirits’ Book, you will no longer have any reason to fear death.
Goleman shows precisely how emotional intelligence can be nurtured and strengthened in all of us. Working with Emotional Intelligence Do you want to be more successful at work? Do you want to improve your chances of promotion?
Let Rick Warren guide you as you learn to live out your true purpose. The Purpose Driven Life is more than a book; it's a road map for your spiritual journey.