«Creo firmemente que sólo el masaje terapéutico aplicado clínicamente seguirá creciendo en el futuro. ... Este manual básico bien organizado y el DVD adjunto incluyen numerosas fotos técnicas además de una guía de referencia práctica ...
"A complete introduction to massage techniques, with more than 100 specially commissioned colour photographs"--Back cover.
Massage: The Healing Power of Touch
... Bronwyn Allies Illustrator : Alzette Prins Production : Myrna Collins Consultant : Chris Salvary Reproduction by Hirt & Carter ( Cape ) Pty Ltd Printed and bound in Malaysia by Times Offset ( M ) Sdn . Bhd AUTHOR'S DEDICATION This ...
Chung-kuo tʻui na
Chinese Massage Therapy: A Handbook of Therapeutic Massage
The Schott Method The system of passive and resistive exercises employed and recommended by the Doctors Schott of Nauheim, Germany, is simply an adaptation of the Ling system, the so-called manual Swedish movements, which have been used ...
"Massage mastery: from student to professional, presents the theory (why) and practice (how) of massage therapy in an engaging, accessible way for today's adult and young-adult learners.
The Massage and Aromatherapy Workbook