Combinar divulgación con rigor nunca es tarea fácil en filosofía; la historia de la filosofía es materia harto inexpugnable, campo abonado a pedanterías e incluso academicismos. Pero es posible acercarlos partiendo de una auténtica experiencia filosófica que todos hayamos vivido ya, la del amor, la experiencia más cercana al abismo de la filosofía. Eso a lo que llamamos «follar» encierra profundidades metafísicas y existenciales abrumadoras y, sin embargo, no es una experiencia reservada a una elite de elegidos destinados a convertirse en catedráticos de estética, sino que es algo que todo el mundo ha experimentado y que, además, el pueblo ha reflexionado sin descanso en un sin fin de variaciones musicales, plasmadas en lo que llamamos canciones de amor. Hay que comenzar por los Chichos o por Conchita Piquer para que tenga sentido alguna vez entender a Hegel o a Schelling sin que ello se convierta en una estafa del narcisismo académico. Sin tomarse en serio a los Chunguitos o al Tijeritas, no hay ninguna posibilidad de lograrlo con Derrida o con Badiou. Para entender cosas tan serias, hace falta haber corrido el riesgo de haber hecho algo serio alguna vez. Y pocas cosas más serias que el amor.
Wijkman and Timberlake , Natural Disasters , 27 . 32. Wijkman and Timberlake , Natural Disasters , 49 . 33. Seager , New State of the Earth Atlas , 121 .
7. Sometimes the things that frighten you the most can be the biggest sources of strength. —Iris Timberlake or Most of us learn as we mature that strength.
28 It is therefore not difficult to reconcile Badiou«s references to historical ... On the one hand, Badiou«s major essays on Rancière all deal with the ...
Bayle offers a similar assessment in a letter to Minutoli: There has just been ... touchant la tran[s]substantiation, et leur conformité avec le calvinisme.
However, acceptance of the deal was driven in part by threats of worse to come should agreement ... see Northern Ireland (St Andrews Agreement) Act 2006, s.
Several versions of Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products exist for each title, including customized versions for individual schools, and registrations are not transferable.
Take a tour through the mind of America's undiscovered philosopher: Pierce Timberlake. Swimmer in a Dark Sea is a dizzying ride through a dazzling array of profound concepts.
"This collection of works is ambitious, well documented, thoroughly—though not turgidly—referenced, and comprehensively indexed.
The essays in this volume deal with a wide variety of subjects - the essential distinction between the "ecofeminist" and the "ecofeminine," the link between violence and environmental exploitation, feminism's relationship to animal rights ...
6 Davies, Catharine Macaulay and Mercy Otis Warren, 228; Franklin Bowditch Dexter (ed.), The Literary Diary of Ezra Stiles (New York: C. Scribner's Sons, ...