A Narrative of the Mission of the United Brethren Among the Delaware and Mohegan Indians, from Its Commencement, in the...
Furthermore , knowledge of storm - blown in the manner of the Unthe Unknown Pilot story was not confined known Pilot story . In Morison's opinion , to the Spanish world . Sir Thomas Herbert , the true source of the story lay among the ...
Dennis E. Lewarch, Hella McIntosh, Sarah Studenmund, and Elizabeth Vance also assisted with aspects of the computer ... Mary D. Dunnell, Donald K. Grayson, Jan F. Simek, Julie K.Stein, and Robert Whallon read the manuscript in draft and ...
For an overview , see Jim Potter , " Demographic Development and Family Structure , " in Greene and Pole , Colonial British America ... Samuel Filby to Sir Thomas Barrington , Association , 28 August 1634 , Egerton 2646 , f . 67 , BL .
Charles F. Lummis's profound understanding of Indian and Spanish culture in the American Southwest is reflected in this collection of thirty-two myths centering around the Pueblo of Isleta on the Rio Grande.
This provocative book regroups the areas of North America into divisions according to economic and social resources and needs.
The orthodox view of the Mississippian social world hinges on the idea that chiefdoms-dominance based hierarchical societies in the Eastern Woodlands of North America-vied for power, often violently but at...
In this new translation of Columbus' log of discovery, Robert Fuson is able to create a readable, accurate and deeply moving translation of Columbus' original log. A book for everyone:...
The Ancient Americas outlines the enormously long and complex cultural history of Mesoamerica, as well as the Andean continuum. It combines an overview of pre-Columbian historical events and situations with...