Desde las más lujosas tiendas de ropa de las grandes ciudades a ciertos talleres de Indonesia en los que el trabajo se convierte en degradación, desde los grandes centros comerciales estadounidenses hasta los cuarteles de los activistas que atentan contra las vallas publicitarias o de los piratas informáticos que han declarado la guerra a las multinacionales que violan los derechos humanos en Asia, la autora se propone desenmascarar la llamada "nueva economía" y desvelar el modo en que ha incumplido todas sus promesas.
Coach Inc. is a luxury fashion brand, primarily known for its women's handbags.
本书讲述了165年前在美国俄亥俄洲的辛辛那提市,宝洁公司如何开创事业以及公司在这100多年里通过怎样的经营方式 ...
Over 500 easy-to-cook, delicious, light and healthy recipes.
"Drawing on real-life stories from the world's most prominent companies, the authors show how identity can be an extraordinarily valuable asset - and how, if not properly managed, it can become a huge liability.
The web and new information technologies have transformed the marketplace. It has created new mega-brands and put pressure on even the most solid traditional brand names. This book introduces new business models, structures and practices.
International Business Machines Corp. , Armonk , N.Y. , US Erf : Chow , William Wai - Chung , Tucson , Arizona 85748 , US ; Fennema , Alan August , Tucson , Arizona 85712 , US ; Kadlec , Ronald James , Boca Raton , Fl . 33481 , US G11C ...
Cumberland Dickinson Salisbury Boston Fitchburg North Adams Taunton Adrian Benton Harbor Cheboygan Escanaba Houghton lonia Iron Mountain Marquette Sault Ste . Marie. KANSAS Atchinson Augusta Atchinson Daily Globe The Advertiser The ...
"This book has been compiled as a companion reader to the course 'Products to market' offered by the Department of marketing, University of Otago"--Preface.
TECHNOLOGY IN ACTION The Data Gold Mine The full - service brokerage firm Paine Webber learned the value of customer databases when , with the help of its advertising agency , Saatchi & Saatchi , it did a communication audit of its ...