The Royal Armory in Madrid, assembled at a time when the Spanish Crown was at the height of its international power, is the oldest and one of the finest and largest armories in the world, imbued with great historical, artistic, and symbolic significance. Armor drawn from the unsurpassed holdings of the Spanish Royal Armory is shown in this exhibition alongside portraits of rulers dressed in the same armor, painted by such masters as Peter Paul Rubens, Anthony van Dyck, Diego Velázquez, and Alonso Sánchez Coello. Several large and magnificent tapestries from the royal collection also depict the armor in use. Together, some 75 works illustrate the use of luxurious armor in projecting an image of royal power in Imperial Spain. The exhibition includes several full suits of armor, helmets, shields, and equestrian armor--worn in battle but more often in Renaissance parades, pageants, and jousting tournaments. The works of art on view date from the reigns of the Holy Roman Emperors Maximilian I of Austria (1508-1519) and Emperor Charles V (1519-1558), to those of his successors, King Philip II (1556-1598), King Philip III (1598-1621), and King Philip IV (1621-1665). This is the first time that the armor has been exhibited together with the portraits in which it is depicted.
Formerly of Cooper - Hewitt : Todd Olson At The Metropolitan Museum of Art : Christine Brennan , Roger Haapala , Jessie McNab , Jeffrey Munger , Clare Vincent , Beth Carver Wees , Deanna Cross and the Image Library staff .
Informative guide to decorative beads from around the world. Listing of bead societies, organizations and publications. Quarto.
Catalog of a traveling exhibition first held at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Apr. 2-Aug. 28, 1995.
白炽灯散发着如阳光般的暖色光;荧光灯则通常具有冷白色的光色;卤钨灯可供选择的色光就更加丰富了,可红,可绿,可白,可黄......在选择灯具时应与室内空间的装饰色彩和所要营造的氛围相协调。例如,在以黄、红色(暖色)为主体颜色的空间 中,使用冷白色的荧光灯 ...
大多数吊灯有灯罩,其材质有金属、塑料、玻璃、竹编、木质,也有用水晶玻璃片或圆珠串联而成的。 4.聚光射灯采用卤化物光源,带反光罩,灯泡内有水银反光壁,呈圆形或方形。 5.轨道灯这种灯可沿轨道移动,并可转换投射角度,也有带杆式、嵌入式、吸顶式等。
iTung maaned 1767 over liligned Derøs Hoy Grevelige Ercellence iler ADAM GOTLOB MOLTKE Redter a Elephanten Grere hl Grey / kabet ... Map of the Danish Island of Saint Croix in the West Indies , by Jens Michelson Beck ( 1721–91 ) , 1754.
245 Martin Luther King Swimming Pool ( San Francisco ) 17 Martinez , Alfredo Ramos 282 Martinez , Daniel 12 , 13 Martinez , Isabel 186-187 Mary McLeod Bethune 228 Mauricio 175 Mayan Offering 176 McKaie , Michael 118 McLaughlin , Richard ...
American Decorative Arts: 360 Years of Creative Design
This collection of 44 original plates of royalty-free designs range from small individual cones, barely an inch high, to full-page motifs. Intricately beautiful.