Frey , Bruno S. and Hans - Jürgen Ramser , 1976 , The political business cycle : A comment , Review of Economic Studies 43 ... Kramer , Gerald H. , 1971 , Short - run fluctuations in U.S. voting behavior , 1896–1964 , American Political ...
The fact that higher welfare benefits result in more young single mothers ' setting up their own households ( Ellwood and Bane 1985 ) implies that these Census estimates are somewhat downwardly biased . Nonetheless , the results using ...
... Jr. Resident Scholar Randall Lutter Resident Scholar John H. Makin Resident Scholar ; Director , Fiscal Policy Studies Allan H. Meltzer Visiting Scholar Joshua Muravchik Resident Scholar Charles Murray Bradley Fellow Michael Novak ...
The Benefits or Costs of EU Membership Brian Hindley & Martin Howe Occasional Paper 99 ( new edition ) ; ISBN 0 255 36502 0 £ 10.00 Buckingham at 25 Freeing the Universities from State Control Edited by James Tooley Readings 55 ; ISBN 0 ...
Richard Lynn, Tatu Vanhanen, M. Stuart Arthur J. Vidich ... We use the Pearson correlation coefficient ( r ) to measure the strength of relationship between national IQs and measures of economic growth and development .
McQuay - Perfex Kennametal , Inc. Nalco Chemical Pullman PPG Industries Ingersoll Rand Buckeye Int'l Rogers Corp. Dennison Mfg . Robbins & Meyers Illinois Tool Works Pepsico , Inc. Rexnord , Inc. Ex - Cell - o Diamond Shamrock Tenneco ...
一個談經濟學的愛情故事,也極富教育意義 市場是一隻「看不見的手」, 而資本主義也有一顆「看不見的心」, 規律地跳動著, 默默在改善人類的生活。 ...
This book examines the role and utilization of workplace 'space': how it is organized; how it can reflect organisational values; how it can affect employee identities; and the many ways in which the physical environment can influence and ...
Max Weber , The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism * ( G. Allen and Unwin , London , 1930 ) is another classic in the field , but somewhat more demanding of the reader . The person who wants a less specialized overview of the ...
هل تود أن تتدفق مصادر الدخل المتعدد إلى حياتك؟ إذا وافقت على ذلك فسوف تستفيد من الكتاب الجديد لروبرت ج.آلين(مصادر الدخل المتعدد)، من ...