Human Embryology

Human Embryology
Human Embryology
Elsevier España
William James Larsen, Lawrence S. Sherman, S. Steven Potter


1. Gametogenesis, Fertilisation and the First Week -- 2. The Second Week -- 3. The Third Week -- 4. The Fourth Week -- 5. Development of the Peripheral Nervous System -- 6. Embryonic Folding -- 7. Development of the Heart -- 8. Development of the Vasculature -- 9. Development of the Gastrointestinal Tract -- 10. Development of the Urogenital System -- 11. Development of the Limbs -- 12. Development of the Head, the Neck and the Eyes and Ears -- 13. Development of the Brain and Cranial Nerves -- 14. Development of the Integumentary System -- 15. Fetal Development and the Fetus as Patient.

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