Earth: An Introduction to Physical Geology maintains a learning objective-driven approach throughout each chapter: The text provides readers with a structured learning path, tied to learning objectives with opportunities for readers to ...
The Earth: An Introduction to Physical Geology
Instructor's Manual/test Manual to Accompany: Earth: An Introduction to Physical Geology, Fourth Ed
NOTE: This edition features the same content as the traditional text in a convenient, three-hole-punched, loose-leaf version.
This trusted book makes an often-complex subject accessible to readers with a strong focus on readability and illustrations.
Earth: An Introduction to Physical Geology, Ninth Edition : Instructor's Manual with Test Item File
Study Guide for Putnam's Geology: Fourth Edition
Tangaroa TAN1312 Voyage Report: Dredging Reinga and Aotea Basins to Constrain Seismic Stratigraphy and Petroleum Systems (DRASP), NW New Zealand
Physical Geology