Antropología de la religión. Una aproximación interdisciplinar a las religiones antiguas y contemporáneas es una obra colectiva, fruto del esfuerzo interdisciplinario de cada uno de los autores, cuyo objetivo es acercar al lector al fenómeno religioso desde dos disciplinas hermanas: la Antropología y la Historia. El estudio de la religión desde una perspectiva histórica y antropológica tiene como punto de partida la consideración del fenómeno religioso como hecho social, histórico y cultural, que adquiere su sentido en un contexto concreto, como resultado y proceso de la actividad humana.
Religion provides one major source of ideas and orientations for the actor , and Weber devoted much analysis to the comparative study of religions . His interest was not religious doctrine per se , but the spirit or ethos that was ...
... A Spirituality of Dating , Love , Dinner , and the Divine , Crossroad Publishing Company , 2003 ; D. Freitas , Becoming A Goddess Of Inner Poise : Spirituality for the Bridget Jones in All of Us , Jossey - Bass , la sorcellerie .
This is an essential guide for students encountering anthropology of religion for the first time.
Anthropology of Religion: Notions Within Society ; a Customised Edition Of: The Anthropology of Religion, Magic, and Witchcraft Third Edition...
In Bolivia, pilgrims approach the Virgin of Urkupiña as a woman of flesh and blood, just like themselves, rather than as a static, lifeless statue or a mere representation. Sometimes devotees write letters to the Virgin Mary, ...
Anthropology of Religion: Notions Within Society; a Customised Edition Of: The Anthropology of Religion, Magic, and Witchcraft Third Edition Rebecca...
Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion: A Reader in the Anthropology of Religion
... Dispute Settlement in Eastern Guinea-Bissau Self-Presentations, Stories and Agency Bd. 72, 2016, 428 S., 54,90€, br., ISBN 978-3-643-90740-0 Setargew Kenaw Fantaw Technology-Culture Dialogue Cultural and Sociotechnical Appropriation of ...
Divided into 10 chapters, this book begins with a broad view of anthropological ways of looking at religion, and moves on to some of the core topics within the subject, such as myth, ritual, and the various types of religious specialists.
"The book deals with current issues of the study of religion as an academic discipline, especially cognitive, anthropological and sociological research of religious thought and behaviour."--