A sweeping, authoritative history of 16th-century Spain and its legendary conquistadors, whose ambitious and morally contradictory campaigns propelled a small European kingdom to become one of the formidable empires in the world “The ...
At the same time the relationship between the two men grows in fascinating subtlety. Often considered to be the first modern novel, Don Quixote is a wonderful burlesque of the popular literature its disordered protagonist is obsessed with.
Wanted: One amazing forever home for one amazing sixth grader.
E.C. Riley puts Cervantes's theory of prose fiction into critical and historical context by setting it against those of contemporary and earlier writers. First published in 1962 by the Oxford...
Grinberg, León, and Juan Francisco Rodriguez. 1993. "Cervantes as Cultural Ancestor of Freud." In Quixotic Desire: Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Cervantes, edited by Diana de Armas Wilson and Ruth Anthony El Saffar, 23-33.
Contains Don Quixote, in Samuel Putnam's acclaimed translation, substantially complete, with editorial summaries of the omitted passages; two 'Exemplary Novels, 'Rinconete and Cortadillo' and 'Man of Glass'; and 'Foot in the Stirrup,' ...
A. Amelang, 'The Mental World of ]eroni Pujades', in Kagan and Parker (eds), Spain, Europe and the Atlantic Worlds, p. 213. 31. Krzysztof Sliwa, Documentos de Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, pp. 298-9. 32.
"Cervantes and the Material World reveals a recurrent preoccupation with the clash of two different economic systems: a reenergized feudalism and an incipient capitalism.
Don Quixote de la Mancha (1605) is one of the classic texts of Western literature and the foundation of European fiction. Yet Cervantes himself remains an enigmatic figure.
Cervantes did more than just publish a bestseller, though. He invented a way of writing. This book is about how Cervantes came to create what we now call fiction, and how fiction changed the world.