En este, el tercer libro de una serie ya clasica de estudios criticos sobre Bob Dylan, Paul Williams vuelca su atencion a la epoca comprendida entre mediados de los ochenta y los anos posteriores. Evalua los origenes de The never ending Tour y analiza dos albumes clasicos de Dylan: Time out of mind y Love and Thief. Los escritos de Paul Williams sobre Bob Dylan han sido elogiados por fans de Dylan tan distinguidos como Sam Shepard, Jerry Garcia y Allen Ginsberg.
A noted historian presents an assessment of Bob Dylan and his music that draws on unprecedented access to rare materials and illuminates key cultural influences.
The author of What Was the Battle of Gettysburg? presents an age-appropriate portrait of the iconic music artist that discusses his award-winning achievements, status as a counterculture figure and influence on such performers as John ...
He analyzes what he calls the trap of easy rhymes, breaks down how the addition of a single syllable can diminish a song, and even explains how bluegrass relates to heavy metal. These essays are written in Dylan’s unique prose.
In this book, Timothy Hampton focuses on the details and nuances of Dylan's songs, showing how they work as artistic statements designed to create meaning and elicit emotion.
Hailed as “the War and Peace of rock and roll” by Bob Dylan himself, this is the ultimate backstage pass to Dylan’s legendary 1975 tour across America—by a former Rolling Stone reporter prominently featured in Martin Scorsese’s ...
This book features 27 integrated essays that offer access to the art, life, and legacy of one of the world's most influential artists.
In this book from the critically acclaimed Little People, BIG DREAMS series, discover the inspiring story of this iconic singer-songwriter, poet, and artist. Bob Dylan was born in Duluth, Minnesota.
Bob Dylan
This witty, personal volume is a distillation of Thomas’s famous course, and makes a compelling case for moving Dylan out of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and into the pantheon of Classical poets.
It is the only book to tell the stories, many unfamiliar even to his most fervent fans, behind the more than 500 songs he has released over the span of his career.