raro inventor Francisco J. Blasco Pascual. Biblioteca de Estudios Cervantinos Títulos publicados 1. Carlos Fuentes : Cervantes o la crítica de la lectura . 2. Francisco Márquez Villanueva : Trabajos y días cervantinos . 3. Félix Martínez ...
As Berry's title makes clear , the focus of the volume is relatively narrow and therefore limited in its representation of Hughes's nonfiction . Edward J. Mullen's Langston Hughes in the Hispanic World and Haiti ( 1977 ) , also a ...
The gripping, unforgettable story of Stingo, a 22-year-old writer; Sophie, a Polish-Catholic beauty who survived the Nazi concentration camp at Auschwitz; and Nathan, her mercurial lover.
This is a translation and compilation of four books into one volume by the notable Spanish author Benito Perez Galdos.
Biblioteca de Candace Camp
Ecos en la bruma
Flor de caballerías
El Caballero blanco
La tentación
Miradas De Amor
此书的核心吸引力:人生真的只能这样了吗?作者用这个温暖动人的故事, 带领我们去发现看似平淡无奇的日常生活中的惊奇与秘密.只要懂得直面自己内心最脆弱的触动点, ...