La muerte de Steve Jobs ha conmocionado al mundo.
Draws on more than forty interviews with Steve Jobs, as well as interviews with family members, friends, competitors, and colleagues to offer a look at the co-founder and leading creative force behind the Apple computer company.
The Four Lives of Steve Jobs Daniel Ichbiah No. 1 on the best-sellers list in August 2011 (French version).
The insights this book provides into the mind of the master will have you thinking like Steve Jobs in no time at all.
Profiles Steve Jobs, and describes how his friendships and knack for electronics led him to develop Apple and Macintosh personal computers, computer animation, and desktop publishing despite competition from IBM and Microsoft.
Each title in this series takes an in-depth and critical look at a leading contemporary or historical figure, examining his or her early life, rise to prominence, accomplishments, and lasting influence with the help of time lines, index, ...
MBA at Stanford, Johnson chose to start his career unloading trucks for the Mervyn's department store. He then moved up the ranks at Target before making his mark by commissioning the architect Michael Graves to design a teapot ...
Steve Jobs, adopted in infancy by a family in San Francisco, packed a lot of life into fifty-six short years.
This volume presents both sides of the debate, citing Jobs’s proponents and detractors, allowing readers to come to their own conclusions about his actions.
How has Apple Inc. come to dominate the technology industry? This book looks at the life of Steve Jobs, with a focus on how he became successful.
On October 5, 2011, the news of the death of technology innovator Steve Jobs rocked the world.