O livro que inspirou o badalado musical da Broadway sobre o personagem que estabeleceu os fundamentos da economia americana Inspiração para o musical de sucesso da Broadway, Alexander Hamilton é a primeira biografia completa de Hamilton em décadas. Autor premiado, Ron Chernow conta a cativante história de um homem que superou inúmeros obstáculos para moldar, inspirar e escandalizar os Estados Unidos recém-constituídos. Hamilton, um órfão ilegítimo e autodidata do Caribe, veio de origens humildes para tomar a América de assalto, se tornar um dos grandes colaboradores de George Washington e um dos principais arquitetos do sistema econômico e financeiro dos Estados Unidos, sendo o primeiro secretário do Tesouro do país. A obra mostra que a excelência e o sucesso da economia americana são resultado da perseverança desse personagem em emplacar suas ideias, como a criação de um banco central e o poder de tributação do Congresso sobre os estados. Chernow faz um relato fundamental sobre o nascimento dos Estados Unidos conduzido por uma de suas figuras centrais, não se isentando de tratar de suas polêmicas mais espinhosas, incluindo o protagonismo de Hamilton no primeiro grande escândalo sexual do país e sua suposta depressão.
Chernow’s biography gives Hamilton his due and sets the record straight, deftly illustrating that the political and economic greatness of today’s America is the result of Hamilton’s countless sacrifices to champion ideas that were ...
For chief editor, Hamilton plucked one of his most colorful disciples, thirty-fiveyear-old William Coleman, an engaging man with a broad, florid face and a nimble wit. Born to an impecunious Boston family, Coleman had been serving in ...
Included in this volume are five of the most important essays from The Federalist Papers, plus personal correspondence and public statements from across Hamilton’s career as a statesman.
Now the editors of TIME present this special edition that celebrates Hamilton and his many accomplishments: as one of the primary architects of the Constitution, an aide and counsel to General George Washington, and the first secretary of ...
"An entertaining look at the life and wisdom of Alexander Hamilton, the Founding Father who mastered the arts of wit, war, and wealth, long before becoming the subject of the runaway Broadway hit Hamilton: An American Musical,"--Amazon.com.
Editor John P. Kaminski has gathered a remarkable collection of quotations by and about Alexander Hamilton that paint for us a nuanced portrait of a complex man.
This work introduces the general reader to some of the challenges and controversies of the early days of the Republic and highlights Hamilton s brilliant contributions to US policy and structure.
“Realists” in international relations theory and in American foreign policy have embraced Hamilton as one of their own.44 Reviewing the record of Hamilton's thinking about Haiti, one can certainly see why. A sober view of human nature, ...
This book will fascinate readers with its insights into Hamilton and the formative years of the United States of America.
Ross had at first intended to run against Mercer for the congressional seat from the Second District but later withdrew in favor of Thomas . Mercer's campaign remarks first came to Hamilton's attention with the publication on September ...