When twenty-something Wall Street analyst Kate Wilson attracts the notice of the legendary Julian Laurence at a business meeting, no one's more surprised than she is. Julain's relentless energy and his extraordinary intellect ellectrify her, but she is baffled by his sudden interest. Why would this handsome British billionaire - Manhattan's most eligible bachelor - pursue a pretty but bookish young banker who hasn't had a boyfriend since college? The answer is beyond imagining at least at first. Kate and Julian's story may have begun not in the moneyed world of twenty-first-century Manhattan but in France during World War, when a mysterious American woman emereged from the shadows of the Western Front to save the life of Captain Julian Laurence Ashford, a celebrated war poet and infantry officer. Now, in modern-day New York, Kate and Julian must protect themselves from the secrets of the past, and trust in a true love that transcends time.
Miss Vaughan says that this young lady , Brid , is a tinker lass , a Romany . Is that right ? ” Adam nodded . “ Do you have anything of hers ? Did she give you a keepsake ? A memento ? A charm ? Anything that you could have passed on to ...
The Guardians of Time
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Zurück in die Zukunft: Roman nach einem Drehbuch von Robert Zemeckis und Bob Gale ; [das Buch zum neuen Film...
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It should have been unbearably warm in the Great Hall , but it was perfect , just perfect . So she took a deep breath and continued to survey the hall , the wonders that were in every corner to savor and enjoy , just there for the ...
When a highly skilled sensitive comes into contact with a strange green stone, she finds herself trapped in the past in the identity of another person.
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He and Professor Talbott. And if he'd told the real truth, the university would have dismissed him promptly as insane. So before returning home to Adair County, he'd lived for several weeks in a flophouse in St. Louis.