Index of Conference Proceedings: Annual cumulation
In : Walker WA , Harmatz PR , Wershil BK ( eds ) Immunophysiology of the Gut , pp 207-227 . New York : Academic Press 1993 47. McKay DM , Crowe SE , Benjamin M , Masson S , Kosecka - Janiszewska U , Williams K , Perdue MH : Neuroimmune ...
This is the latest edition of the classic book on the subject of multiple sclerosis. An international group of authors has been involved in updating this edition which features more...
Même si une telle implication en pathologie humaine était démontrée , le dépistage au niveau parental et le conseil génétique seraient sûrement très délicats , d'autant plus que ces séquences rétrovi- rales ne sont probablement pas ...
Acta Neurologica Scandinavica: Supplementum
This landmark work covers all aspects of MS by the leading authorities in the field. Comprehensive, yet accessible, Multiple Sclerosis provides a full overview of the disease, explains diagnosis, and...
This book presents twenty-four tightly focused reviews on the biology, molecular biology, pathology, and epidemiology of the human retroviruses, particularly HIV and HTLV (Types I and II), as well as animal model systems (simian ...
However, the science continued to advance knowledge of the immune response. With this came more and increasingly powerful tools for the clinician. Suddenly, success rates of 80-90% at one year were attainable.
International Symposium on Virological Aspects of the Safety of Biological Products: Proceedings of a Symposium
Kawasaki Disease: Proceedings of the Second International Kawasaki Disease Symposium Held in Kauai, Hawaii, November 30 to December 3, 1986