P.J. Riis (f. 1910), tidligere professor i klassisk arkæologi, skildrer sit liv og virke, bl.a. om de store politiske, tekniske og kulturelle omvæltninger i det 20. århundrede samt refleksioner over faget klassisk og nærorientalsk arkæologi og forskningens vilkår inden for områderne.
Crane Game Move the crane straight up and down each side of the cargo hold to build up momentum . This causes the hanging piano to tilt , helping you clip enemies even if they're already climbing the ladders . PRIMA Official Game Guide ...
Presents three episodes in the adventures of Alison Dare, the twelve-year-old daughter of a globe-trotting archaeologist and the masked hero known as the Blue Scarab, who manages to find danger in spite of being locked away in the ...
Assigned to investigate a series of brutal killings, homicide detective Vito Ciccotelli is reluctantly paired with archaeologist Sophie Johannsen, who is brought in to provide insight into the killer's use of ancient weaponry and torture ...
The first victim is found in a snow-covered Philadelphia field.
A mutilated corpse is washed up on the banks of the Nile at Luxor, an antiques dealer is savagely murdered in Cairo, and an eminent British archaeologist is found dead at the ancient necropolis of Saqqara.
Once we've dug every inch over , made careful diagrams and stowed all the relics away safely in their museums and vaults well , ” she shrugged , “ the actual site's done its work . We can all go home . ” “ Funny thing .
Employing People with Disabilities: Good Practise Guidance for Archaeologists
From the creator of the Left Behind series comes the story of Michael Murphy, a scholar of biblical prophecy, whose latest discovery sends him hurtling from a life of excavations to a confrontation with the forces of the greatest evil.
Kolejne szokujace doniesienia o zyciu Jezusa Chrystusa nie robia juz na nikim wrazenia.
"Idaho Smith's" Search for the Foundation!: The romantic years