The organisation of this part of Arcadia in the classical period is discussed by J. Roy , A. Ant . Hung . ... 7982 ; N. F. Jones , Public Organization in Ancient Greece , American Philosophical Society , Memoirs 171 ( 1987 ) 242-52 .
This text offers a unique, multi-part pedagogical framework. Each chapter is organized by "The Problem," "Sources and Method," "The Evidence," "Questions to Consider," and the "Epilogue.
History lessons on the world of ancient sumer.
Ben shu xuan qu yong you feng fu shen hua chuan shuo de gu cheng 20 zuo,Dai ling du zhe kua yue wu da zhou 15 ge guo du,Tan xun cong ren lei wen ming shu guang zhong jue qi de wei da cheng shi.Shen hua gu shi de shi jian kua du cong ren ...
H. H. Rowley . Oxford University Press for the British Academy . 1950 . Kenyon , K. M. Megiddo , Hazor , Samaria and Chronology . University of London Institute of Archaeology Bulletin 4. 1964 . Lachish 1. The Lachish Letters .
“ The Settlement Survey of Tikal , ” Tikal Reports No. 13. University Museum Monograph 48 , University of Pennsylvania ( Philadelphia ) . Pyburn , K. A. 1988. The Settlement of Nohmul : Development of a Prehispanic Maya Community in ...
The Evolution of the Ancient City is an interdisciplinary look at how cities developed from Hunter-Gatherer societies to centers of vast empires in the Fertile Crescent between 21,500 BCE and 1,200 BCE.
The First Cities
A Reply P. Flensted-Jensen/M. H. Hansen: Pseudo-Skylax' Use of the Term Polis M. H. Hansen: City-Ethnics as Evidence for Polis Identity .
A series of new Papers from the Copenhagen Polis Centre.
Introduction to an Inventory of 'Poleis': Symposium August, 23-26 1995