“ The Settlement Survey of Tikal , ” Tikal Reports No. 13. University Museum Monograph 48 , University of Pennsylvania ( Philadelphia ) . Pyburn , K. A. 1988. The Settlement of Nohmul : Development of a Prehispanic Maya Community in ...
An Investigation Mogens Herman Hansen. Introduction ' MOGENS HERMAN HANSEN The Sumerian City - State AAGE WESTENHOLZ. The present volume is a supplement to A Comparative Study of Thirty City - State Cultures . An Investigation Conducted ...
Tracing the evolution of the state from its beginnings to the early Middle Ages, this comprehensive handbook focuses on key institutions and dynamics while providing accessible accounts of states and empires in the ancient Near East and ...
Empire Adrift: The Portuguese Court in Rio de Janeiro, 1808–1821. London. Winius, G. D. 1971. The Fatal History of Portuguese Ceylon: Transition to Dutch Rule. Cambridge, MA. Yun- Casalilla, B. 2018. Iberian World Empires and the ...
In a follow-up to their 1995 book Foundations of Social Inequality, the Editors of this volume have compiled a new and comprehensive group of studies concerning these central questions.
This ook redefines the bureaucracy of Ancient Chinese society during the Western Zhou period.
A Dual-Processual Theory for the Evolution of Mesoamerican Civilization. ... In The Oxford Encyclopedia of Mesoamerican Cultures: The Civilizations of Mexico and Central America, edited by Davíd Carrasco, pp. ix–xvii.
... A Comparative Study of Thirty City-State Cultures. The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, Copenhagen. 2000b Conclusion: The Impact of City-State Cultures on World History. In A Comparative Study of Thirty City-State Cultures ...
now exist that demonstrate the cross- cultural utility of the concept in multifarious global contexts (Griffeth and Thomas 1981; Hansen 2000b; Nichols and Charlton 1997), including an entry on the Syro- Anatolian city- states (under ...
Tradition holds that, long before Solomon erected his temple to early Israel's god on Mt. Moriah, Abraham (the father of three monotheistic religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) offered up his son Isaac (or Ishmael according to ...
Zur Aktualität von Homi K. Bhabha: Einleitung in sein Werk. Aktuelle und klassische Sozial-und KulturwissenschaftlerInnen. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. pp. 97–130. Winkler, Ulrich. (2011). “What is Comparative Theology?