T. de Mauro, Storia linguistica dell'Italia unita, Rome and Bari, 1979, p. 40. K. Baedeker, Italie septentrionale, CoblenZ, 1861, p. XV. A. Castellani, 'Quanti erano gli italofoni nel 1861?', Studi Linguistici Italiani, new series, 8/1, ...
Originally published under the title: Garibaldi and his enemies. Boston, Little, Brown, 1965.
This book seeks to provide a comprehensive analysis of the long-term, interconnected, and radical dimensions of the so called Garibaldinism.
For the involvement of Garibaldi's descendents in the freedom struggles of Europe, see the bibliography in the section “La ... “Dal primo Risorgimento alla resistenza”; Elisabetta Lecco, “Garibaldi nella letteratura scolastica per ...
Uruguay in 2005 Tabaré Vazquez, an oncologist, was elected president as the candidate of the Frente Amplio, the rebuilt and wider broad front. This coalition now embraced progressive members of the traditional Colorado and Blanco ...