The concept of discipleship in Matthew has been explained in several ways using different identity defining terms from the gospel. Such as one who does the will of God, one who practises the greater righteousness, one who becomes like a child, one who carries the cross etc.. The present study identifies the extensively but selectively used relational appellation Father for God in the gospel as the most important key for understanding the identity of the disciples. By examining all the passages where this appellation is used to refer to god as the father of the disciples, this study shows that discipleship is viewed in Matthew as a process of becoming children of God. Five different dimensions of discipleship - christological, ecclesiological, missiological, eschatological, and ethical -are integrated in this study. Discipleship is a process of becoming children of god: through Jesus, the son, one can become a child of god (christological); by responding affirmatively to jesus and to his message one enters the earthly family of God and continues his/her journey with other brothers and sisters (ecclesiological); through their life witness and teachings the disciples attract and invite other people to join them in their process of becoming children of God (missiological ); one becomes irrevocably a child of God only in the kingdom (eschatological); to reach this state one should do the will of God and practise the greater righteousness (ethical).
Brandon Scott ' s sage and savvy analysis of more than fifty recent popular American movies , from Dirty Harry to ... BERNARD BRANDON SCOTT is Darbeth Distinguished Professor of New Testament at Phillips Graduate Seminary , Tulsa ...
8 Swain argues that this turn to the past was motivated not by escape , nostalgia , or leisurely interest . Rather , it secured the identity and power of elites in Hellenistic cities within the Roman Empire in the present .
Atlas of the bible, by reader's digest association
... SE Mail Drop B28 Grand Rapids , MI 49530 616-698-6900 ; 800-226-1122 ; fax 800-9341617 6381 Facts About the States , E 180 Wyndham Hall Wyndham Hall Publishers POB 45 Kirkland , WA 98083-0045 206-224-2848 Dictionary ...
... Tome II: Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 1972. BLACK, D. A. – BECK, D. R. (eds.), Rethinking the Synoptic Problem. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2001. BURKETT, D., Rethinking the Gospel Sources: From Proto-Mark to Mark.
在前尼西亞神學家中,他推崇亞歷山太的革利免、俄利根、特土良和居普良為特別寶貴的「初期教會信仰」守護者。他也要求傳道人對於後尼西亞的教父有「相當程度的了解」,例如,屈梭多模、該撒利亞的巴西流、耶柔米、奧古斯丁、「和前述之外,帶著一顆卑微之心的 ...
Simplified Chinese translation of "The Lamb." 一段写给孩子们、并且所有人都喜爱的信息。 许多年前,在一个重要的日子,传讲着一个关于“羔羊”的动人故事。这个故事将听众带入从“创造 ...
American fundamentalists, they insist, unwittingly adopted inerrancy as orthodoxy, being deceived by this innovation. This story has become standard scholarly currency in many quarters.