Atlante degli anfibi e dei rettili d'Italia

Atlante degli anfibi e dei rettili d'Italia
Science / Life Sciences / Zoology / General
Roberto Sindaco, Societas herpetologica italica


The Atlas of Italian Amphibians and Reptiles presents the distribution, ecology and conservation status of the 37 species of amphibians and the 50 species of reptiles found in Italy. A 10x10 km UTM grid map is supplied for each species, on the basis of more than 70.000 records contributed by 900 collaborators during the Societas Herpetologica Italica survey project, started in 1994. Entries, illustrated with photos, are subdivided into the following headings: taxonomy, general distribution, comments on the distribution map, habitat, altitudinal distribution, annual activity cycle, reproduction and status of the Italian populations. General sections on biogeography, history of herpetology in Italy, paleoherpetology and herpetological fauna of the small Italian islands are also included. Italian and English text.

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