Il Convegno nasce come espressione della volontà della Soprintendenza Speciale Archeologica Beni Artistici e del Paesaggio di Roma, condivisa con questa Azienda, di ampliare le conoscenze sugli ipogei, che insistono al di sotto dei nostri Presidi Ospedalieri, in relazione e in analogia a quanto già condotto in precedenza, presso l’area di insediamento della Basilica Costantiniana, intitolata al Santissimo Salvatore, e le aree adiacenti, sulle quali vennero edificate tutte le altre strutture a compimento del Patriarchio, sin dal IV sec. d.C. La sopra citata volontà si è concretizzata con una apposita Convenzione, sottoscritta nel febbraio del 2018, che ha ritenuto di coinvolgere studiosi, appartenenti a prestigiose Università Italiane ed Internazionali, i cui attori principali erano quelli che fino ad allora avevano già dato il loro massimo contributo di alto valore scientifico, sia sull’ Area Lateranense sia nell’area di competenza dell’Antico Ospedale.
The Conference came about as the expression of the desire of the Soprintendenza Speciale Archeologica Beni Artistici e del Paesaggio for Rome, a desire which our Administration also shared, to expand knowledge of the underground remains that stand below our hospital buildings, in relation to, and in analogy with, the work already done in the past, near the area where the Constantinian Basilica stood, which was dedicated to the Most Holy Saviour, and the adjacent areas, on which were built all the other structures to complete the Patriarchio, ever since the 4th century AD. This aforementioned desire took concrete shape with a special Agreement, signed up to in February 2018, which set out to involve academics from prestigious Universities, in Italy and abroad. The main players in this Agreement were the same ones who, up until that time, had already made their biggest contribution, of high scientific value, both in the Lateran Area and in the area pertaining to the Ancient Hospital itself.
西域游历丛书集斯坦因1900-1901年、1906-1908年、1913-1916年三次中国西部探险考古资料于一体,共15册(第一次:1-3册,第二次:4-9册,第三次:10 ...
西域游历丛书中的《重返和田绿洲》《踏勘尼雅遗址》《路经楼兰》《从罗布沙漠到敦煌》《发现藏经洞》《穿越塔克拉玛干》六册,是《西域考古图记》的整理本,我社于2000年初 ...
One of the reds from Bolton , of which there were three different shades , was analysed qualitatively by K.W. Stephens from the London Institute of Archaeology in 1976.19 It was found to consist of mostly iron with a small percentage of ...
... social as well as economic significance , and the distinctions drawn by Karl Polanyi and his collaborators between reciprocity , redistribution and market exchange ( Polanyi , Arensberg and Pearson 1957 ) have been widely followed .
Nippur: Excavations of the Joint Expedition to Nippur of the University Museum of Philadelphia and the Oriental Institute of the...
Features Nonportable material remains such as building foundations , wells , graves , and landscaping elements are referred to as features . Archaeologists give special attention to features because they are so highly informative about ...
In a discussion of Neanderthals , Taylor ( 1927 , 136 ) remarked : From 125,000 B.C. perhaps to 25,000 B.C. Europe was occupied by these folk . They had large narrow heads ( cephalic index 73 ) with over - hanging brows and retreating ...
2001 : P. Bartl , S. Erdil , K. Franke , J. Heigermoser , F. Kierzek , R. Krvavac , S. Kunz , T. Kutzner und C. Vögeli . 2002 : E. Alvarez , S. Erdil , A. Gökser , K. Franke , J. Heigermoser , B. Öğüt , F. Sachs , M. Wild ...
Looks at the development of an active relationship between the public and ruins as to how they can be preserved and used.
In Archaeology in the Borderlands : Investigations in Caucasia and Beyond , edited by Adam T. Smith and Karen S. Rubinson , pp . 111-27 . Cotsen Institute of Archaeology , Monograph 47. Los Angeles : Cotsen Institute of Archaeology ...