Cultural Studies on Einstein’s Relativity

Cultural Studies on Einstein’s Relativity
Ernst Gehrcke


Why study Einstein’s relativity from a cultural point of view—the theory as well as the universal consensus it receives? On the one hand, every human phenomenon can be looked at from this point of view, but here we are faced with something special: the American magazine Time, which every December dedicates a cover to the “person of the year”, on the latest issue in 1999 named the “person of the century”, and who was this person, if not Einstein? From 1919 in a sensational way, but the signs of the phenomenon began to be observed already around 1910, the author of a theory that is almost impossible to make understandable to those who are not specialists enjoys generalized consensus among specialists and a popularity by the public of the whole world which has remained unchanged until the present. No one expressed this better than Chaplin, once he was acclaimed in public in the company of Einstein: “They cheer me because they all understand me, and they cheer you because no one understands you.” The little-known contemporary Gehrcke, if we have the patience to follow him, could lead the way to understand something of this. Ernst Gehrcke (1878-1960) was an academic physicist, a good connoisseur of Kant’s philosophy, a technologist of electromagnetism, inventor of instruments for measuring interference, an editor of monumental manuals on optics and radiology, an expert in palaeontology and prehistory (some photographs available on the Internet show him intent on ordering geological samples and lithic finds), and in addition to all this he was the first to think that it was necessary to study relativity from a cultural point of view. In this book we will read his attempts in this direction, which began in 1912, when general relativity did not yet exist, but special relativity had already inflamed with enthusiasm some students and physicists of the new generation, in Germany and beyond.

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