This follow up to the bestselling and amazingly easy to comprehend economic books, the Freakonomics series, again helps readers approach life in a more out of the box and creative way. In Korean. Annotation copyright Tsai Fong Books, Inc.
此外,我还要提及比尔·勒迈尔、大卫·斯蒂尔、鲍勃·奥格旺、科林·塞尔、安娜·马格诺、马丁·威格尔、马克·诺尔,等等。他们从各个角度帮我把这本书打造得尽善尽美。最后一点也很重要,那就是——我希望向曾经聘请我帮忙写 出好故事的团队致以诚挚的谢意。
Applied Precursors The strand of thought stemming from the field of management started with Frederick W. Taylor , the father of Scientific Management . He published his major work , the Principles of Scientific Management , in 1911 ...
Another mechanism used to explain choice behavior , melioration , was proposed in 1980 by Herrnstein and Vaughan ( see also Vaughan , 1981 , 1985 ) . Melioration refers to bettering a situation . Herrnstein and Vaughan suggested that ...
G. E. P. Box , W. G. Hunter , and J. S. Hunter , Statistics for Experimenters , Wiley , New York , 1978 . 25. S. Bisgaard and H. T. Fuller , “ Sample Size Estimates for Two - Level Factorial Experiments with Binary Responses , ” Center ...
We are all too ready to ascribe learning problems to an inability to learn and leave it at that. This book should go a long way toward convincing us that using such simpleminded explanations and remedial efforts based on them do not work.
This edition of this best-selling book--revised, updated, and reorganized with important new material--offers you an easy-to-follow approach to using the often difficult Taguchi methodology for engineering quality control.
Melinda Blau. APPENDIX C Variables and Sources This appendix contains a detailed description of all the variables used in the analysis of the fifty - three employment security agencies and the 1,201 local offices that met the criteria ...
A long - established source for understanding Roosevelt's presidency is William E. Leuchtenburg's FDR and the New Deal , 1921-1940 ( 1963 ) . Leuchtenburg concludes that Roosevelt presided over a " halfway revolution " in America ...
Muller , H. J. , & Findlay , J. M. ( 1988 ) . The effect of visual attention on peripheral discrimination thresholds in single and multiple element displays . Acta Psychologica , 69 , 129–155 . Muller , H. J. , & Humphreys , G. W. ...
In a note in Les Epaves he tries to dispel any obscene intention, claiming that the poet had simply meant that 'une beaute, d'un caractere a la fois tenebreux et folatre, faisait rever a l'association du rose et du ...