A READ-IT-YOURSELF STORY WITH FUN PUZZLES TO SOLVE. When Cassy the Clumsy Crocodile gets a job at Everglades Department Store, she certainly makes things happen, but not the way she hopes.
The Clumsy Crocodile
Cassy the crocodile is happy to get a job at Everglades Department Store, but her clumsiness keeps getting her in trouble until she is sent to the Luxury Goods department...
Tale of a Tadpole(TAPE1개포함)(DK Readers 시리즈 Level 1)(Paperback)
Croc is always running late. What can her friends do to help?
Elephants(CD1장포함)(Usborne First Reading 15)
A charming, illustrated retelling of one of Rudyard Kipling's Just So Stories, specially rewritten for children who are learning to read. With puzzles and answers at the back of the book.
THE LITTLE GIRAFFE(CD1장포함)(Usborne First Reading Set 2-4)(Paperback)
HOW ELEPHANTS LOST THEIR WINGS(CD1장포함)(Usborne First Reading Set 2-3)(Paperback)