Based on two highly acclaimed PBS documentaries, this book uses the metaphor of a disease to tackle a very serious subject: the damage done - to our health, out families, our communities, and our environment - by the obsessive quest for ...
Explores the origins, causes, and symptoms of Affluenza, society's compulsive desire to acquire, and discusses such treatment as strengthening immunity against advertising and minimizing the side-effects of over-consumption.
Based on two highly acclaimed PBS documentaries, this book uses the metaphor of a disease to tackle a very serious subject: the damage done - to our health, out families, our communities, and our environment - by the obsessive quest for ...
Brought together so comprehensively for the first time, the result is a collection of the very best writing on one of today's most important but neglected ideas. This progressive book is essential reading for the thoughtful non-conformist.
Goldstein, Daniel M. (2004) The Spectacular City: Violence and Performance in Urban Bolivia. Durham: Duke University Press. Goodwin, Mark (1993) The City as Commodity: The Contested Spaces of Urban Development.
Broad patterns in household demand and saving are identified using national accounts data for seventeen countries which span the development spectrum; per capita GNP is used as a classification index.
Costanza , R. , dan Daly , H. ( 1992 ) . “ Natural Capital and Sustainable Development " , Conservation Biology 1 : 37-45 . Daly , H. ( 1986 ) . " Comments on ' Population Growth and Economic Development ' " .
... Terumasa Hirano 37-3 , Hongo 3 - Chome , Bunkyo - ku 113 Tokyo KENYA Africa Book Services ( E. A. ) Ltd. Attn : Mr. M.B. Dar P.O. Box 45245 Nairobi KOREA , REPUBLIC OF Pan Korea Book Corporation Attn : Mr. Yoon - Sun Kim P.O. Box ...
REFERENCES Ariga , M. , Yasuo , M. , & Wen , G. X. ( 1997 ) . China's generation III : Viable target segment implications for marketing communications . Marketing & Research Today , 25 ( 1 ) , 17-24 .
An Engel Curve Analysis of Household Expenditure in New Zealand