This volume is dedicated to professor Jacob Hoftijzer on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday as well as of his retirement from the chair of "Hebrew Language and Literature, the Israelite Antiquities and Ugaritic" at the University of Leiden.
After a preface by A. van der Heide and a bibliographical list of Hoftijzer's publications, the volume contains 16 essays on syntactical questions in the field of Hebrew and Aramaic. Most of these essays deal with subjects occurring in Hoftijzer's publications. Such are the nominal sentence, the particle 'et', questions related to clause types as well as to word order and concord within sentences, the status and use of particles and verbal forms. Whereas Biblical Hebrew is discussed in most of the essays, other language forms are represented as well, esp. Mishnaic and Modern Hebrew, Imperial Aramaic, Middle Aramaic and Classical Syriac.
The papyri are in V. A. Tcherikover , A. Fuks , M. Stern , and D. M. Lewis , Corpus Papyrorum Judaicarum ( 3 vols . ... and was part of the Cyrenean community in Jerusalem that is attested in the NT ( Acts 6 : 9 ; Mark 15:21 ) . 67.
This text focuses on what it means to be Jewish in America and the different positions held within the Jewish community on past and present church-state issues - whether Orthodox Jews in the military should wear yarmulkes while in uniform - ...
concerning slavery that were used by Josephus , for his native language was Aramaic or Hebrew ( W 1. proem , 1 , 9 ) . ... August Pauly and Georg Wissowa ( Stuttgart , 1916 ) , 9 : 1963-69 , discusses all of Josephus ' literary sources ...
... threatens military intervention against Israel, 346; succeeded by Morrison, 459 Bezalal Art Academy, 586 Bialik, Chaim Nachman, ... Bomar Law, Andrew, 129 Borochov, Ber 11, 70–1, 75,76 Boscovitch, Alexander, 589 Boskiliah, Albert, ...
Provides an exhaustive and organized overview of Jewish life and knowledge from the Second Temple period to the contemporary State of Israel, from Rabbinic to modern Yiddish literature, from Kabbalah...
A Youth Writing Between the Walls: Notebooks from the Lodz Ghetto
An original and uplifting view of a world lost, reborn, and rediscovered This is a delightful book that welcomes the reader to a wonderful journey through the Jewish culture of...
This commentary examines 4 Maccabees as a contribution to the ongoing reformulation of Jewish identity and practice in the Greek-speaking Diaspora. It analyzes the Jewish author's interaction with, and facility...
This book tackles a central problem of comparative religious history: proselytizing by Jews and pagans in the ancient world, and the origins of missions in the early Church. Why did...
"Jews and Gentiles in Early America is the best account I have seen about Jews in America in this era. William Pencak's research is extensive and the informative depth with...