This first comprehensive analysis of the relationship between Jewish Studies and Protestant theology in Wilhelmine Germany challenges accepted opinions and contributes to a differentiated image of Jewish intellectual history as well as Jewish-Christian relations before the Holocaust.
“Between Colonial and Indigenous Archaeologies: Legal and ExtraLegal Ownership of the Archaeological Past in North ... In Rethinking Colonial Pasts Through Archaeology, edited by Neal Ferris, Rodney Harrison, and Michael V. Wilcox, –.
Harrison, Rodney. . “'The Magical Virtue of These Sharp Things': Colonialism, Mimesis and Knapped Bottle Glass Artefacts in Australia.” Journal of Material Culture (): –. Harrison, Rodney. a. “Contact Archaeology and the Landscapes of ...
Loomba also looks at how sexuality is insinuated in the texts of colonialism, and how contemporary feminist ideas and concepts intersect with those of post-colonialist thought.
Culture and Power: Challenging Discourses
How do differences in culture affect the writing of autobiography in various parts of the world? This book tackles these questions through a close examination of Arab women’s autobiographical writings.
Spivak, Gayatri C. A Critique of Postcolonial Reason: Toward a History of the Vanishing Present. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1999. – 'From Haverstock Hill Flat to U.S. Classroom: What's Left of Theory.
English and the Discourses of Colonialism opens with the British departure from Hong Kong marking the end of British colonialism.
The result is a variety of distorted images of women and gender in which women appear as two-dimensional stereotypes. The text analyzes both current and historical colonial representations of women in a pedagogical context.
In between these essays, Mohanty meditates on the lives of women workers at different ends of the global assembly line (in India, the United Kingdom, and the United States); feminist writing on experience, identity, and community; dominant ...
There is a crisis in contemporary postcolonial theory: while an enormous body of challenging research has been produced under its auspices, severely critical questions about the validity and usefulness of this theory have also been raised.