This book, connecting the fields of social anthropology and missiology, presents a body of colonial ethnographic writing applied to highland societies in the southern portion of the Mainland Southeast Asian massif. The writers under scrutiny are Catholic priests from the Société des Missions Étrangères de Paris. Their texts from the Upper-Tonkin vicariate, in today's northern Vietnam, are paid special attention, notably through its major contributor, F.M. Savina. The author locates this ethnographic heritage against its historical, political and intellectual background. A comparison is conducted with French missionaries-cum-ethnographers who worked among the 'natives' in New France (Canada) in the 17th century, yielding the unexpected conclusion that practically nothing from this early period of experimentation was remembered.
Also see Richard Wilson's Human Rights, Culture, and Context (1997). Wilson describes how rights-based discourses are used in different contexts as a way of articulating the tension between global and local formulations of human rights ...
... social as well as economic significance , and the distinctions drawn by Karl Polanyi and his collaborators between reciprocity , redistribution and market exchange ( Polanyi , Arensberg and Pearson 1957 ) have been widely followed .
The millwrights ' and millers ' resistance to Evans's message was so great that their first recorded reaction was : “ It will not do ! it cannot do !! it is impossible that it should do !!! " 9 Nevertheless , Evans persisted in his ...
Looks at how time is consciously and unconsciously structured in various cultures and how time has been experienced by humans from prehistoric times to the present
New York : Harper and Row . Field , Peter . 1962. A New Cross - Cultural Study of ... Fineberg , H. 1988. The Social Dimensions of AIDS . Scientific American , October . Pp . 128-134 . Firestone , H. 1957. Cats , Kicks , and Color .
Camp is a tender feeling Susan Sontag , “ Notes on Camp ” I personally think , that if you're a queer girl , you better have a damn good sense of humor , otherwise you're gonna get shit on a lot more . Marnie , age 17 Most of the queer ...
... Labor and Consumer Groups : National Consumers League Business for Social Responsibility International Labor Rights Fund Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Center for Human Rights Lawyers Committee for Human Rights Joined after 1996 Karen ...
7月15日,拿破仑登上英国战舰“贝勒洛丰”号,将自己的佩剑交给了霍特汉姆将军。在普利茅斯港,他被转送到“诺森伯兰”号上,开往他最后的流放地——圣赫勒拿岛。在那里,拿破仑安静地度过了生命的最后六个年头。他试着撰写自己的回忆录,他和看守人员争吵, ...
註64 弗雷澤舉更有生產力的人為例絕非偶然。就像經營一家數位排毒避靜公司一樣,他執著於生產力,荒唐地主張人類只發揮了1%的生產力。記憶與橫向結盟是個體性的兩大特色。在《西方極樂園》中,人類藉由定期掃除接待員的記憶來維持其順從性,讓他們深深困 ...
本书介绍了"大北方探险"这次最浩大的科考行动,也是人类历史上规模最大,耗时最久以及获取最多赞助的单次科考事件,其路线从圣彼得堡开始,一路向东,横穿西伯利亚,最终跨海远行 ...