The publication of this new edition of Elias Bickerman's acclaimed Studies in Jewish and Christian History along with his famous book, The God of the Maccabees, brings Bickerman's central studies on ancient Judaism and early Christianity to ...
14 On the language of “diversity” and what hides and conveys, see Karen King, “Factions, Variety, Diversity, Multiplicity: Representing Early Christian Differences for the 21st Century,” MTSR 23 (2011): 216–37, as well as my discussion ...
E. M. Laperrousaz's note in Semitica , loc . cit . , p . 129 . Flusser ( above , n . 8 : p . 153 , n . 11 ) assumes that the Hebrew original of I Maccabees 14:41 termed Simon a kohen leʻolam , which , given Psalm 110 : 4 , would amount ...
Brock , S. “ A Fragment of Enoch in Syriac . ” JTS 19 ( 1968 ) : 626–31 . Brock , S. “ Jewish Traditions in Syriac Sources . ... Cohen , S. J. D. “ A Virgin Defiled : Some Rabbinic and Christian Views on the Origins of Heresy .
Writing from a Jewish perspective, Jon Levenson reviews many often neglected theoretical questions.
Mystics, Philosophers, and Politicians: Essays in Jewish Intellectual History in Honor of Alexander Altmann, Durham, ... Temple to Heavenly Shrine”; Elior, The Three Temples 232–265; Swartz, Mystical Prayer in Ancient Judaism, passim.
Studies in Jewish and Christian History, Volume 1: A New Edition in English Including the God of the Maccabees
This book explores the unique phenomenon of Christian engagement with Yiddish language and literature from the beginning of the sixteenth century to the late eighteenth century.
The Quests for the Historical Jesus resulted in a move “back to the Jewish roots!” Jewish Jesus research positioned Jewry within a dominantly Christian culture and permitted Jews to feel more at ease with Jesus the Jew.
This volume surveys the brief accounts of Israelite history written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek between the third century BCE and the first century CE and found in compositions that did not enter the Hebrew biblical canon.