"Elias J. Bickerman, who passed away a quarter of a century ago, was one of the twentieth century's great historians of the ancient world. His innovative genius and breathtaking erudition are evident in his writings, many of which are now considered classics. Bickerman's contributions to the history of anicent Judaism and early Christianity remain particularly significant but his three volume collection, 'Studies in Jewish and Christian History', has been out of print for some time. Thus, the publication of this new edition of 'Studies', now entirely in English, along with Bickerman's most famous book, 'The God of the Maccabees', is designed to bring Bickerman's central studies on ancient Judaism and early Christianity to a new generation of students and scholars."--taken from back cover.
The publication of this new edition of Elias Bickerman's acclaimed Studies in Jewish and Christian History along with his famous book, The God of the Maccabees, brings Bickerman's central studies on ancient Judaism and early Christianity to ...
14 On the language of “diversity” and what hides and conveys, see Karen King, “Factions, Variety, Diversity, Multiplicity: Representing Early Christian Differences for the 21st Century,” MTSR 23 (2011): 216–37, as well as my discussion ...
Chamberlain, N., Io Cheetham, S., I, n. 4, 2 Christensen, A., 41, n. 5 Chrysostom, John, Io's Clapp, R. G., 91, n. 2, 97, n. I Clark, A. C., 68, n. 4, 78, n. 1, 151 Clark, J. W., 125, n. 7 Clark, K. W., 136, n. 2, 137, n.
The Quests for the Historical Jesus resulted in a move “back to the Jewish roots!” Jewish Jesus research positioned Jewry within a dominantly Christian culture and permitted Jews to feel more at ease with Jesus the Jew.
See the review by H. B. Green in Journal of Theological Studies 5 (1964): 361-65, and the sharp attack by Martin Hengel, in "Zur matthai'schen Bergpredigt und ihrem jiidischen Hintergrund," Theologische Rundschau 52 (1987), 327-400, ...
This book unearths the active Jewish participation in early modern society, traces the impact of the Reformation on local Jews, discusses the meaning of tolerance, and describes the shifting boundaries that divided Jewish and Christian ...
This book explores the unique phenomenon of Christian engagement with Yiddish language and literature from the beginning of the sixteenth century to the late eighteenth century.
This first comprehensive analysis of the relationship between Jewish Studies and Protestant theology in Wilhelmine Germany challenges accepted opinions and contributes to a differentiated image of Jewish intellectual history as well as ...
An Introduction to Jewish-Christian Relations sheds fresh light on this ongoing interfaith encounter, exploring key writings and themes in Jewish-Christian history, from the Jewish context of the New Testament to major events of modern ...
For the controversy over the kosher certification of Jell-O, see Horowitz, Kosher USA, chapter 3. Steinberg, Jewish Mad Men, 64–65. Crisco Recipes, 80. Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, “Kitchen Judaism,” 94. Crisco Recipes, 82.