In Cultural Memory and Literature, Diane Molloy suggests a new way of reading novels that respond to Australia’s violent past beyond trauma studies and postcolonial theory to re-imagine a different, syncretic past from multiple perspectives.
Cultural Memory, a subtle and comprehensive process of identity formation, promotion and transmission, is considered as a set of symbolic practices and protocols, with particular emphasis on repositories of memory and the institutionalized ...
(1999) Acts of Memory: Cultural Recall in the Present (Hanover and London: University Press of New England). ... Bigsby, C. W. E. (2006) Remembering and Imagining the Holocaust: The Chain of Memory, Cambridge Studies in Modern Theatre ...
International Comparative Literature Association. ... The staff in the department currently comprises about equal numbers of black and white personnel while most of our students , who come from disadvantaged backgrounds , are second ...
In this volume, Gronas addresses the full range of psychological, social, and historical issues that bear on the mnemonic existence of modern literary works, particularly Russian literature.
This handbook represents the interdisciplinary and international field of “cultural memory studies” for the first time in one volume.
Literature, Literary History, and Cultural Memory
Pastiche Cultural Memory in Art, Film, Literature Ingeborg Hoesterey Traces the rise of the pastiche in the arts and popular culture.
Jews , immigration to the United States — as well as to other countries — was already made nearly impossible in the thirties . In 1939 , German refugees boarded the ship the St. Louis , which set out for Cuba .
"multiculturalism" as a Literary Theme After 1980 Catharina Dufft. Kemal Tahir . [ 1959 ] 1969. Esir Şehrin İnsanları . Istanbul : Sander . ... Karşı Yaka Memleket , Bir Ayrılık Romani . Istanbul : Milliyet . 2003. Büyük Ayrılık .
The Routledge International Handbook of Memory Studies offers students and researchers original contributions that comprise the debates, intersections and future courses of the field.