Chamberlain, N., Io Cheetham, S., I, n. 4, 2 Christensen, A., 41, n. 5 Chrysostom, John, Io's Clapp, R. G., 91, n. 2, 97, n. I Clark, A. C., 68, n. 4, 78, n. 1, 151 Clark, J. W., 125, n. 7 Clark, K. W., 136, n. 2, 137, n.
For the past fifty years literary studies and criticism have been dominated by formalist, structural and text-centered approaches. The editor of this volume, Jerome J. McGann, has been arguing in...
Historical Studies and Literary Criticism
Why Literary Periods Mattered explains how historical contrast became central to literary study, and why it remained institutionally central in spite of critical controversy about literature itself.
Ed. Stephen Greenblatt, Walter Cohen, Jean E. Howard, Katharine Eisaman Maus, Gordon McMullan and Suzanne Gossett. New York: Norton, 2016. Pp. 1–74. 'King Lear' [Introduction]. Ed. Grace Ioppolo. In The Norton Shakespeare.
The Poem as Organism ' , in Rudolf Kirk ( ed . ) , English Institute Annual , 1940 ( New York , 1941 ) , pp . 20–41 . The Relation of the Alabama - Georgia Dialect to the Provincial Dialects of Great Britain ( Baton Rouge , 1935 ) .
If a researcher is studying Emily Dickinson's poetry, Dickinson's poems constitute the chief primary source for this project. Secondary sources include critical commentary on primary sources. Thus, whereas a collection of Dickinson's ...
For Joseph North, a genuinely interventionist criticism is a central task facing scholars on the Left today.
Herbert Lindenberger was one of the first literary critics to call for some kind of return to historical thinking in literary criticism.
Literary Historicity explores how eighteenth-century British writers considered the past as an aspect of experience.
The guide helps students gain the analytical skills that will benefit them in college and as educated citizens after graduation.