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The author offers an extensive review of the mechanisms available in different (international) law-systems to prevent and redress miscarriages of justice, from the causes of miscarriages of justice to examining forensic reports.
Ambos K (2010) The Colombian Peace Process and the Principle of Complementarity of the International Criminal Court: An Inductive Situation-Based Approach. Springer, Berlin/ Heidelberg Ambos K, Stegmiller I (2012) Prosecuting ...
However, as MacDougall (1968: 12; cited in Hall et al. 1978: 52) put it, 'At any given moment billions of simultaneous events occur throughout the world ... all of these occurrences are potentially news. They do not become so until some ...
... Theory and Practice of International and Internationalized Criminal Proceedings (2005), Redressing Miscarriages of Justice: Practice and Procedures in (Inter)national Criminal Cases (2006) and Practice and Policies of Modern Peace ...
This chapter has not been included in this second revised edition, since this topic has been extensively covered in the second edition of “Redressing Miscarriages of Justice: Practice and Procedure in (Inter) National Criminal Law,”2nd ...
This volume brings together the world-class scholarship of 23 widely acclaimed and influential contributing authors from North America and Europe.
This book challenges the growing assumptions about the exercise of jurisdiction over international crimes – that legal impediments are invalid in the face of the imperative to prosecute crimes of...
This volume of essays celebrates the first 50 years in the life of the New Zealand Court of Appeal. The move, in 1958, to a Court of Appeal comprising permanent...
International Legal Materials
High profile miscarriages of justice have become focus of much recent writing on criminal justice. Such literature ignores an important paradox: when justice is contested and uncertain, how can we...