This volume examines minority protection in international law. Its task is twofold: to examine existing methods of minority protection, and to analyse the underlying justifications of minority protection as reflected in international legal standards and discourse. Part I outlines the theoretical framework; Part II addresses minority protection and its justifications in the League of Nations, the Council of Europe, the OSCE and the United Nations. Finally, the author argues that it is possible to develop a working holistic approach to minority protection combining protection of peace, human dignity and culture.
A list of case summaries and the text of selected major international conventions in this field are included as annexes.
Devising an Adequate System of Minority Protection: Individual Human Rights, Minority Rights and the Right to Self-Determination
FOX , GREGORY , ' Self Determination in the Post Cold War Era ' 16 Michigan J. Int'l L. 733 ( 1995 ) FOX , GREGORY , “ The Right to Political Participation in International Law ' in Democratic Governance and International Law Fox & Roth ...
This book, the first in the series of publications on minority issues, provides a critical overview of the protection of minority groups in international law.
Accordingly, the book re-evaluates the concept based on the experience with existing group rights in international law and pleads for a more pragmatic approach.
This volume analyses the weaknesses in the international protection of minority rights through a detailed examination of the practices and policies of Pakistan.
Have recent developments in international and European law resulted in an integrated and coherent system of minority protection?
While allegations of double standards are mostly voiced in relation to the EU, this book takes a multidimensional approach to the use of differential standards concerning minorities and minority protection.
The title of this volume is the critical and provocative question - do we need minority rights? - in order to announce that it does make sense to ask whether there are special obligations to minority protection.
Examining the on-going dilemma of the management of diversity in Turkey from a historical and legal perspective, this book argues that the state’s failure to accommodate ethno-religious diversity is attributable to the founding philosophy ...