This collection of studies in honor of François Bovon highlights the rich diversity found within early expressions of Christianity as evidenced in ancient texts, in early traditions and movements, and in archaic symbols and motifs.
This book celebrates the voices that helped create and develop Christianity during that period.
This book celebrates the voices that helped create and develop Christianity during that period.
Readers will find this volume bringing female leaders from the Early Church to life from the traditional ancient sources and sharing their experience of the presence of God.
Half quit within their first five years. Troen and Boles offer an alternative, a model of reform they call the Millennium School, which changes the way teachers work and improves the quality of their teaching.
Spanning a century, from the 1880s to the 1980s, their stories demonstrate the vitality of the Christian faith in a diversity of contexts.
It is they who preserved for us the rich legacy of the early Church. D’Ambrosio dusts off the dry theology and brings you the exciting stories and great heroes such as Ambrose, Augustine, Basil, Athanasius, Chrysostom, and Jerome.
Sixteen new essays by a team of leading international scholars on the theme of the Bible and its reception and appropriation in the context of radical practices, and an exposition of the imaginative possibilities of radical engagement with ...
44 I have discussed this topic in detail in Clement of Alexandria oil Trial: The Evidence of 'Heresy'from ... 101 (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2010), 145-58, However, here I would like to highlight only one aspect of Clement's hermeneutics that ...
Extracts from the writings of the Early Christian fathers, covering the main areas of Christian thought.
The texts illuminate who was eligible for baptism, what was expected of worshippers, how the Eucharist was celebrated, and how church offices and their functions were organized.