Taking its cue from Irene de Jong’s groundbreaking narratological analyses of classical texts, this volume studies emotions in a wide range of ancient genres, focusing on emotions as they are described within narratives and on ways in which narratives trigger the emotions of their readers.
"Emotions are at the core of much ancient literature, from Achilles' heartfelt anger in Homer's Iliad to the pangs of love of Virgil's Dido. This volume applies a narratological approach to emotions in a wide range of texts and genres.
... Ancient Greek Literature . Leiden : Brill , 17–37 . de Jong , I. J. F. 2009. “ Metalepsis in Ancient Greek Literature . ” In J. Grethlein and A. Rengakos ( eds ) , Narratology and Interpretation : The Content of Narrative Form in Ancient ...
Ancient Emotions IV George Kazantzidis, Dimos Spatharas. Raney ( eds . ) , Media and Social Life . New York ... Literature 7 : 109-128 . Cohen , J. and R. Ribak . 2003. " Sex Differences in Pleasure from Television Texts : The Case of ...
... narrative and interpretation. Oxford. 1998b: 'Thucydides and his predecessors', Histos 2: 230–67. 1999: 'Thucydides' Persian Wars', in C. S. Kraus (ed.), The limits of historiography: genre and narrative in ancient historical texts ...
... Ancient Greek Epic 2 : 78-117 . Kahane , A. ( 2019 ) , ' Oral Theory and Intertextuality : The Case of the Homeric ... Emotions : Method , Temporality , and Anger in Homer's Iliad , in M. de Bakker , B. van den Berg and J. Klooster ( eds ) ...
... Ancient Literature and Beyond. Studies in Honour of Irene de Jong (Leiden: Brill). Dow, J. (2015) Passions and Persuasion in Aristotle's Rhetoric (Oxford: Oxford University Press) ... Emotions and Narrative in Xenophon's Anabasis.
Monticini, F. (2018) 'The Inner Source of Dreams: Synesius of Cyrene's Reception in the Palaiologan Era', in Dreams, Memory, and Imagination in Byzantium, ed. B. Neil and E. Anagnostou-Laoutides, 82–95. Byzantina Australiensia 24.
B] Book 4: "Final Revelations of Helen" is concerned with the following questions: (4) Why did Paris take a long voyage in a single ship from Troy to Achaea? (5) How did he meet with Helen, residing at Helos, a remote seaport in Sparta? (6) ...
Let us take a look for example at chapter 155, which deals with 'Jupiter's Children' (Iouis filii). Modern editions and translations offer a lengthy list of names that defies the capacity of memory and perhaps even of interest for most ...
... Formaler Mythos: Skizze einer ästhetischen Theorie. Paderborn. Martínez, M. and M. Scheffel (1999) Einführung in die Erzähltheorie. Munich. Matthews, V. J. (1980) 'Metrical reasons for apostrophe in Homer', LCM, 5: 93–9. Matzner, S ...