Analyse van de huidige economische en politieke crisis en maatschappelijke onvrede, met voorstellen ter verbetering voor een op sociaaldemocratische principes gebaseerde samenleving.
[Vert. van: 'Ill fares the land'. - Penguin, 2010.] Vert. door Wybrand Scheffer.
Fisher strongly disagreed with the Neyman–Pearson approach, and both that approach and Fisher's own ideas were extensively criticized. Now, approaching a century later, the criticism continues, but various mixtures of the two approaches ...
The main instruments used are payments (financial compensation, financial contribution, purchase of protected land), fees (access fees, deterioration fees) and fines (Table 3.6). In addition to the instruments used by the MoE, ...
As soon as the Miami Beach council voted to outlaw gambling , the Tribune revealed that council member Art Childers had voted for the ban because his gambling club , the Royal Palm , was not on the beach and would benefit from the ban .
She decided to think of him as Moe. He took the wallet from Henry and studied her license. “Parisi, huh? Are you Italian?” “My grandparents were from Italy. Naples.” “The land of Mussolini.” Moe and Henry exchanged a meaningful glance ...
Land Warrior Task Potential MOE Potential MOP Receive squad order Move tactically Identify ORPs Observe/ listen for enemy Conduct reconnaissance Locate objective area Moving Land Warrior soldiers are less detectable Land Warrior ...
American International Law Cases: Third series. 1990/1991-1993